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Oxytocin 5, 10 I.U. Ampoules

Intramuscular injection for labour induction.

Ingredient: Synthetic Oxytocin
Multinational Partner: MINAPHARM
Launch Date: January 1, 1997
Pack: Ampoule of 1ml (5 or 10 IU) in boxes of 10 ampoules.

Product General

Disease Area

Oxytocin is a cyclic nonapeptide hormone secreted by the hypothalamus &stored in the posterior lobe of pituitary gland. It causes the uterus to contract. The response is greater during the late stage of pregnancy. Oxytocin also stimulates the smooth muscle associated with secretory epithelium of the lactating breast causing the ejection of milk, but having no direct effect on the milk secretion. It has relatively little pressor or antidiuertic action. 

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  • Induction & augmentation of labour; to control postpartum bleeding and hypotonicity in the third stage of labour.
  • Placental hemorrhage & uterine atony as a prophylactic or therapeutic agent.
  • During caesarean section to be injected in the uterine musculature.
  • In cases of missed abortion.
  • In puerperium in subinvolution& to produce a haemostatic effect.
  • In Gynecology; hemorrhagic which has been confirmed with confirmed diagnosis.   

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